How to secure the income you need when you retire – A Regional Black Members Event

3 May 2022 5:00pm–6:00pm


Want to understand more about your pension?

The Regional Black members SOG in partnership with Lighthouse Financial Advice is organising a webinar specifically designed to help UNISON members make good decisions when deciding how and when to secure the income they need to live comfortably for the rest of their lives.

All UNISON members in the region are welcome to attend this event

You should attend this webinar if you would like to understand:

• how your pensions, including the state, Local Government and NHS pension schemes, work, when you can take them and how much you can expect to receive your options for accessing any additional pension savings, including from previous employers
• ways you may be able to increase your income
• tax considerations, including your tax-free lump sum
• countering inflation: will your income keep its value in real terms?

The webinar will be presented by one of our fully-trained financial advisers. They have the knowledge and expertise – including a detailed understanding of the NHS and Local Government pension schemes – required to help you however much or little pension provision you have managed to accumulate.

For More details please download the Event Leaflet


Email or call the person below, stating the webinar date Gary McLeod at or call 01273 523709

Should this date not be convenient please get in touch and we will arrange an alternative initial personal telephone appointment for you.